I'm sorry I haven't been keeping this blog up to date. Sometimes we get so busy, I forget to take pictures. Three year olds live in the moment, and at school, those moments fly by.
As most of you know, every morning we work on our coloring and cutting. Please reinforce the proper pencil grip at home. I have ordered some grip helpers to assist those who remain a little bit resistant to holding their crayon the "correct way." At this age, it often feels very awkward. It's like riding a bike. Once they get it, they'll never forget.
Then, the children move on the the fine motor skills table. Sharing and working together has become common practice. It is also at this time that we reinforce manners and communication.
We have been learning about Thanksgiving and how it came to be. Here we are making cornucopias for snack!
Here are our finished cornucopias - and they were TASTY!