Saturday, August 30, 2014


Our "GET ACQUAINTED DAY" went off without a hitch. The children seemed happy and became more comfortable once everyone was dropped off, and the parents left (sorry moms). They played and smiled and conversed with one another and us. During circle time, we listened to a story and introduced ourselves to our classmates. Speaking of circle time, it seems like circles may be a theme for this year as the pictures below will show.
 Since it was a short day, I put it up to a vote on whether or not we would have snack. I like giving the children as many choices as possible. Having snack was unanimous - I do love having a bunch of good eaters! We said blessing and practiced waiting until everyone was seated before beginning to eat. When finished, we cleaned up after ourselves. We did a great job of jumping right into the routines of our new class. 

It looks like it's going to be a great year!