Sunday, February 22, 2015


We were finally able to fit our first science lab, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, into our busy calendar. The children learned about the importance of finding out how large or small something is. They were introduced to the vocabulary of weights and measures - pounds, inches, feet, etc. They were also shown some of the tools we use to find out how big an item is or how much it weighs - ruler, yard stick, tape measure, scale, etc. Then each child was weighed and measured so they could see their own measurements.
 Then the children were let loose in the classroom with a ruler so they could measure some items we use everyday. 

Finally, we used a recipe to make something together. We were sure to use the correct measurements of ingredients to make something really special.


Monday, February 16, 2015


 Here we are again working away and strengthening those small motor muscles. Our stained glass heart project had us picking up small pieces of tissue paper, one at a time, and placing them on a heart. What a work-out for our fingers!

We also worked with our large puzzle blocks and made a few highways for our cars to drive on. What a construction project!


Through my years here at WIPP, I have always had W-sitters in my class. These are children who find it more comfortable to sit with their legs in the shape of a W while at circle time or while at play. I learned long ago that this type of sitting really is not the ideal way for a child to sit, regardless of how "comfortable" it is. In fact, sitting this way may cause future problems. Be sure, whenever one of "my children" is sitting in this manner, I remind them to sit criss-cross applesauce or to sit in some other acceptable way. I have provided a couple of links to further explain W-sitting and ways to help your child break this habit.

I hope this information helps those of you who find your child w-sitting. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


This week we seem to be all over the place. We are doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Keeping things fresh and new makes learning FUN! 
 Some of my boys seem pretty proud of themselves and their star wall (though it looks like not everyone is impressed!) LOL

I can honestly say that I am so very proud of how well everyone is cutting these days! Some of us can even cut a picture out on the lines! Everyone is doing a great job holding their scissors and remembering to keep that thumb man on top.

 I am always looking for new ways to work those tiny finger muscles and increase focus. This activity does both! You really have to pay attention to get that toothpick into those tiny holes. This is a fantastic pre-writing skill.
 Finally, we pulled out some more space toys. The children absolutely LOVED our space unit last month and continue to ask about it. It's wonderful to spark such curiosity in young minds. These toys were handed down to our class by another teacher, and the children did a great job sharing and taking turns while they played, "flying to the moon."