Saturday, September 24, 2016


 At school, we play with many different kinds of building blocks. These types of toys are wonderful as they allow the children to design and build their own creations!

 The moon came out to visit us on the playground one morning and the children loved it.
 It almost seemed to have a calming effect on some of the children as I found some of them sitting and taking a "rest." Believe me, THAT never happens during our mornings at school! 

Some of the children took it a step further and decided that if the moon was out, than they should be lying down!
 And, of course, we had a group who just wanted to kick back and look at the moon and talk about what they saw. You gotta' love the power of the moon!!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2016


 Our unit on dinosaurs ended this week with our preschool version of a dinosaur dig.
 The children loved  digging and searching through the sand and finding the hidden dinosaurs and bones.

 After the dig, we returned to circle and put on the dinosaur hats we had water colored earlier in the week.  
What a great day!

Monday, September 12, 2016


 We have been spending our mornings learning and practicing our school rules. Here we are sitting at circle. We sit here before transitioning to the next activity planned. This helps us prepare for the upcoming change and gives us confidence because we always know where to be.

We have been learning all about dinosaurs and fossils. We've learned how fossils were made by being buried under lots of dirt and mud for a very long time. Here we are making some mud of our own and then using it to paint with.

 Like the Paleontologists we've been learning about, we have been taking turns using a small chisel and mallet to knock away at a block with dinosaur fossils hidden inside. Learning about dinosaurs has been great fun!

Monday, September 5, 2016


We spent our first week back in school getting back into "the routine." We also reconnected with
old friends and made some new ones. Everyone in our class is happy to be here and we are sharing lots of smiles.

We got our fingers dirty working on the first projects of the year.
Here we are making our September place mats using yellow paint
to make popcorn. 

 Then we broke out the glitter and added some "lava" to our prehistoric calendars! 
We are looking forward to all the new adventures this year holds.