October is adopt a shelter dog month, so to celebrate, Stormy came to visit us for a couple of days. I volunteer with Coastal Pet Rescue (CPR), and Stormy is my current foster dog. She is about 8 months old and is a great little puppy - all 4 1/2 pounds of her!
Teaching the children how to properly meet a dog is very important and could prevent injury in the future. I feel this is a very important skill. Having a non-threatening dog in the classroom also helps children who have a fear of dogs.
Stormy loved the children and gave out lots of kisses.
Stormy will definitely be back to visit us soon.
What are we doing here? Practicing our "HUG and BUBBLE" before we walk down the hall. Having a hug and a bubble allows us to walk quietly with our hands to ourselves.

And of course, we couldn't go a week without working on projects. We've been trying to catch up since so many days were missed due to Matthew. We've been painting and glittering and working the small muscles in our fingers!