Saturday, January 20, 2018


What could possibly be more fun than coming to school in your pajamas? Nothing!
We rearranged our classroom and made it into a "movie theater." Of course, as in any theater, we provided bags of popcorn for the children to enjoy while they watched a movie together.

I can honestly say, the children LOVED pajama day at school. I not so sure about Batman though. :)


One of our main focus topics for the month of January has been Outer Space. We've talked and learned about the earth, the moon, the sun and other stars. We've discussed astronauts and what they do. We even pretended we are astronauts by using our imaginations and dressing up and blasting off to the moon. For snack one of the days, we ate actual astronaut ice cream! Yummy.

We've spent some of our time working on our Space Books to take home to share with our families. We've also been playing with space toys, pretending what being in space would be like. We've learned a great deal about space and have had a ton of fun doing it!

Sharing unique concepts about our earth and what makes it up will surely always peak your child's interests.


After an extra-long Christmas Break, we are happy to be back to school!
We missed playing and learning together and fall back into our routine like we were never apart.
We also met a new friend who came to visit. Lizzy is a therapy dog who works with several organizations in the Savannah area. The children loved having her come in and spend some time in the classroom. Thank you to our room mom, Deborah Evans (Hailey Grace's mom), for having Lizzy come visit with us.