Sunday, February 25, 2018

SCIENCE LAB #1 - Weights and Measures

Here we are all dressed up and ready for science lab. We learned that sometimes science can be messy and we must dress for that - thus the goggles and lab coats. In this particular lab, we learned about how to measure things and the instruments we must use to do so. We also saw how we each "MEASURED UP," by being weighed and measured.

We also practiced our mixing skills, as this will come in handy in our next science lab. We all seemed to love using the old fashioned hand beater. What a great hand/eye coordination tool.  


All ready for our Annual Donuts with Daddy, where the children and their daddies come to the classroom first thing in the morning to enjoy donuts and juice together. This also gives the daddies a chance to see our classroom which they may not usually get a chance to see on a regular basis. 

 We certainly enjoy inviting the daddies to our classroom for this special occasion. It's fun to show them what we do and introduce them to our friends. It's really a fun time for everyone! 

Sunday, February 18, 2018


The excitement of upcoming Valentine's Day can certainly be felt as soon as you walk into the classroom. Here we are decorating flower pots with hearts. We will use these to put our valentines in.
 On Valentine's Day, we delivered our cards and goodies into each pot, one belonging to each of our friends. 

I can honestly say that our classroom is full of friendship and love and our full Valentine Holders certainly prove it.

Saturday, February 3, 2018


 The best things about winter are SNOWMEN....

  We've spent most of the month playing with and making both!
 Winter can be a fun time of year to learn all about new things.