Wednesday, February 27, 2013


February is dental health month. This week we have been talking about the importance of brushing and flossing your teeth everyday. Healthy teeth mean a healthy smile!

Here we are working on counting out teeth and making a big, healthy smile.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


We had quite a busy week and it has taken me some time to get back to the blog. It was nice to see almost everyone back to school and in good health. It seems like forever since I've seen all of the children smiling back at me on the same day. Speaking of "all the children," we have a new student in our class. Your own child has already probably told you all about her and the fact that she is from Japan and only speaks Japanese. It is amazing to see one so young have the courage to be plunked down in a completely foreign culture and still smile and play and laugh. This speaks loudly about your children and how they have opened their hearts and their classroom to this new student. They have also taken it upon themselves to help teach her what to
do, where to go, etc. They have certainly made me proud!
Here are some pictures of some of the other things that have been keeping us busy. We read, "If you Give a Dog a Doughnut" and then made some doughnuts of our own, both real and pretend.
Our Owl craft went along with the story, "Owl Babies". The children absolutely loved this story and, after a class-wide vote, decided Bill was their favorite owlet!
If you haven't read this book, you should; it will make you smile.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


In our Science Lab #3, we learned the difference between soluble and insoluble. We used both solids and liquids in our experiment. We saw how some solids will dissolve in a liquid and how some will not. We did the same with liquids and found that not all liquids will mix to become one. We then used what we had tested and learned to create our own "ocean" to take home.
Here we are shaking our "oceans" and watching the liquids separate because they are insoluble. This experiment created a lot of smiles.

Friday, February 15, 2013


To all of our parents and friends,
We love you!
Mrs. Knudsen's Class

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


It's nice to see that our classroom numbers are back up to near normal and we can resume our daily routine and get everyone caught up. We continue to strengthen those fine motor muscles by playing with golf tees and dense foam board. Notice the baby in the chair observing the activity.
Some of the children like to spend time working on their creativity by building awesome towers with blocks!
 All the while, an independent gluing project is taking place at table #1. 
There is always lots of activity going on in our classroom and, since different children like to do different things, we offer a variety of fun things to do. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Our second science lab was a huge success! The children did a great job listening and learning about solids and liquids. 
We made our own non-Newtonian liquid which is substance that acts both like a solid or a liquid depending on the speed at which another solid moves through it - like quicksand. The children couldn't wait to get their hands into it and watch it change from a liquid, into a solid, and back again. 

In order to get our science lab cleaned up, I had to promise that we would do this experiment again soon!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Finally, the hall bulletin board is finished and decorated with all of our creations. The best part, of course, is the pictures of each of use wearing a mustache!
 Here are some close-ups.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


February is in full swing and so is our work with all things heart shaped. Here the children are decorating frames with candy hearts. The frames will hold their mustache pictures on the hall bulletin board. If you have a chance, come in and see it. I will try to post a picture of the finished product tomorrow. It is sure to make you smile!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I "MUSTACHE" you to be my valentine.

It is time for our class to decorate the large bulletin board in the hallway. Because it is February, we are doing a Valentine's theme including hearts and mustaches! I do love a good pun. Here are a few of the children decorating their mustache for the board. They really thought this was a funny craft and they really cracked up when we read the story, "Moosetache."